Choose Milton Memorial Birthing Center for your upcoming birth

a new family with their newborn baby after the birth at Milton Memorial birthing center

There’s something special about natural birthing centers. These centers, in comparison to hospitals, offer a more natural and nurturing experience to expecting mothers. Milton Memorial Birthing Center is no different! In fact, I wanted to highlight them because of their incredible dedication to providing care to soon-to-be mamas!

A little bit of background on Milton Memorial Birthing Center

Milton Memorial Birthing Center is a midwifery center that focuses on providing natural births and aftercare to new moms. The company was born in 1976 and was run by a single midwife, Gladys Milton. Inducted into the Florida Women’s Hall of Fame in 1994, her work as a midwife was both honorable and personable. Her sole goal for her midwife care was to provide a healthy and safe birthing center for women who had little to no money or medical insurance. She provided such care to numerous mothers in need and made sure no mama ever felt like she was out of options.

Milton Memorial Birthing Center Today

When Gladys Milton passed, her legacy lived on through her daughter Maria Milton. Maria followed in her mother’s footsteps by becoming a midwife. She ensured the center continued to provide care in the way her mother wanted. Additionally, she now provides care to mothers who want a more natural birthing option that you just can’t get in the hospital.

Milton Memorial Birthing Center now provides care to dozens of women through the use of midwives at the center. Care is not only provided for birth, but also afterwards to ensure that no mother feels alone or abandoned. Midwives help new mothers get the rest that they need after giving birth as well as teaching them how to properly care for their new little one.

The Milton Memorial Method of Care

Milton Memorial Birthing Center emphasizes natural care as well as individualized care. The goal of their practice is to provide each mama with both the care they need and the care they want. They believe that every mother has the right to their preferred method of treatment and care for themselves and their baby, which is why I personally wanted to advocate for them.

The midwives at Milton Memorial Center want you to ask questions about your care. They want you to have a voice and a say in the kind of treatment you receive. They will provide unbiased advice and information regarding your desires and help come up with a birthing plan designed specifically for you.

Services offered at Milton Memorial Center

Although the overall birthing experience is completely natural, Milton Memorial Center is still a medical center. They want to provide you with the best care possible and sometimes, that involves traditional medical services. Here’s what they offer to their mamas!

  • Any Prenatal Care: Up until the 28th week, you will schedule visits monthly to ensure the pregnancy is progressing properly. From weeks 28-36, visits are every 2 weeks and from weeks 36 to delivery, visits are weekly!
  • Labor and Delivery: Services are completely natural and given to mothers who are expected to have an uncomplicated birth. Additionally, they encourage mamas to eat and drink during labor!
  • Postpartum Care: 3 days post-delivery, new mamas will receive a postpartum exam to ensure that they are healing properly. They also check on the newborn to check for any post-delivery complications. Midwives also provide exams 4-6 weeks after delivery for the same reasons.
  • Lab Services Referrals: Basic laboratory referrals and scripts are provided to ensure mom is healthy enough to give birth in this natural setting.
  • Referrals: If complications arrive or medical concerns are suspected for mom or baby, the center will provide moms with referrals to specialists.

Final Thoughts

Milton Memorial Center is ideal for mamas who are expected to have an uncomplicated, traditional birth. The center emphasized individualized care with birthing plans specific to each individual mama! They want you to feel comfortable, taken care of, and prepared for not only the birth of your baby, but taking care of your newborn!

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Are you looking for other birthing resources? Check out the links below!

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